The Story of Money

YAP Cast, brought to you by YAP Global, presents its first series on The Story of Money with Samantha Yap. YAP Cast is on a mission to bridge the communication gap between emerging technology and the mainstream world.

We create quality edutainment by bringing together engaging storytelling with informative, thought-provoking content. YAP Global is a PR agency which specialises in helping meaningful blockchain, cryptocurrency and decentralised finance teams tell their stories.

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Samantha Yap and Christine Kim delve into Ethereum's groundbreaking programmable money, tokenomics, and its transformative impact on blockchain's future.
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Samantha Yap and Christine Kim delve into Ethereum's groundbreaking programmable money, tokenomics, and its transformative impact on blockchain's future.
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Discover DeFi's role in reshaping finance with Samantha Yap and Sheila Warren, CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation.
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Discover how cryptocurrencies can revolutionize financial inclusion, particularly for marginalized communities.
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Discover the importance of sovereign identities with Nick Johnson, ENS founder.
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Samantha Yap sits down with the mind behind Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Nick Johnson.
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Samantha Yap and GoodDollar's Anna Stone discuss GoodDollar’s practical implementation of Universal Basic Income.
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Samantha Yap and GoodDollar's Anna Stone discuss the potential of Universal Basic Income to address inequality, poverty, and economic instability.
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In this episode, Samantha Yap and Nikhilesh De explore the changing landscape of crypto regulation and its impact on the industry.
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Samantha Yap and Nikhilesh De explore the goals of financial regulation and how they differ when it comes to regulating crypto.
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Samantha Yap and Dr Paul Dylan Ennis delve deeper into the intersection of crypto culture and the evolution of money.
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Samantha Yap and Dr Paul Dylan Ennis explore the intersection of cultures and subcultures in shaping the technical decisions made in crypto.
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In this final episode of season 2, Samantha Yap and Ambre Soubiran continue their discussion focusing on the relationship of data to money and the foundations of digital money. 
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Samantha Yap and Ambre Soubiran, take a behind-the-scenes look at the data that makes financial transactions possible.
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Samantha Yap continues her discussion with Kevin Owocki on his vision for crypto and money as something greater than a financial medium of exchange. 
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Questioning whether money as a medium of exchange can hold greater utility, Kevin unlocks how money represents societal values and the way in which we seek to construct the world around us.
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In this episode, Samantha Yap and Jacob Goldstein continue their focus on money, control, and what that means for privacy further by asking: Who controls money? Do people value privacy or convenience more? How has crypto evolved over the years?
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Is money a figment of our imagination? In this episode, Samantha hopes to answer this question and more by speaking to Jacob Goldstein.
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Her message is positive: DeFi makes possible some fundamental elements — cheap, transparent, simple, accessible, accountable, enforceable and, most importantly, easy to assess risk.
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Financial inclusion is a big topic in DeFi. Millions of people do not have access to useful and affordable financial services that we often take for granted. These services may be having a safe place to keep our money, having access to credit, or being able to send money across borders. 
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In this episode, Sam continues her conversation with Will Harborne from RhinoFi, the Co-Founder & CEO of RhinoFi (previously DeversiFi)
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When you think of financial privacy: you think of your investments, accounts, and other crucial details maintaining their secrecy. Ordinarily, people assume that banks & allied entities will protect their privacy and money.  While you don't often like to tell your parents how much/little money is in your bank account, governments and companies can find…
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When you think of a contract, you think of signing a document symbolising an agreement. A contract written by lawyers and enforced by courts. Essentially, contracts are about each party agreeing to do something and what pain one will inflict on the other to punish them if they break that contract. But is there a…
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What are we talking about when we mention terms such as Digital Currencies and Decentralised Finance? Money. This episode of YAP Cast embarks on a journey to discover how money’s relationship with law can evolve to be globally seamless.       Helping us do this is Hart Lambur: Co-founder of UMA: an Optimistic oracle built to query…
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Can DeFi Be The Better Financial System? Will the so-called trustless nature of decentralised finance really work because we need to trust code which we don’t understand? In our latest, and final episode, on season one of YAP Cast, we’re again joined by Felix Martin, the author of ‘Money: The Unauthorised Biography’ where we talk…
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Why Do Financial Crisis Happen? Bitcoin, which was created in 2008 and is now considered digital gold, is a move toward hard currency, but where does it sit following the 2008 and 2009 crises? In our latest episode on YAP Cast, we’re joined by Felix Martin, the author of ‘Money: The Unauthorised Biography’ where we…
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Why is it So Hard to Move Money? Some say that Bitcoin comes from the idea of the Hawala ecosystem. Both don’t need a trusted central authority to function and have faced down the steely glare of regulators. With such a system in place, do the unbanked need crypto if they have Hawala? In our…
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Where is Debt Heading? Debt is something that many of us live with. There’s good debt and there’s bad debt, but where is it heading today and how does DeFi fit in? In our latest episode on YAP Cast, we focus on where debt is heading. To talk more about this, we’re again joined by…
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The Need For Debt What is debt and how does it fit into the broader financial markets? And more importantly, why would someone want to get into debt? In our latest episode on YAP Cast, we turn our attention to the need for debt. To help us answer this, we’re joined by Sidney Powell, co-founder…
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The Art of Borrowing and Lending Money Should banks lend to people knowing they may struggle to repay the money back? Should interest be charged? And how can decentralised lending solve the issue of bringing equality of money back to people who are discriminated against with current systems? In our latest episode on YAP Cast,…
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Money as a Social Construct How much does money play a role in impacting our social lives today? And is it an abstract thing or something functional that many prefer not talking about? In our latest episode on YAP Cast, we turn our attention to money as a social construct and what this actually means.…
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What is inflation and is it truly bad if it increases our salaries or improves the value of our investments? We’ll be continuing our discussion with Sam Kazemian, the founder of Frax Finance, the world’s first fractional algorithmically-stabilized stablecoin and the only of its kind to maintain its peg.
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In this episode on ‘How do we measure money?’ Samantha Yap is joined by Sam Kazemian, the founder of Frax Finance as they put explore how the new types of currencies emerging affect fiat currencies?
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In this episode on ‘Where does money come from’ Samantha Yap is joined by Dr Cathy Mulligan, Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and Director of DCentral Lab turn their ‌attention‌ ‌to‌ ‌where‌ ‌money‌ ‌comes‌ ‌from‌ ‌and‌ ‌who‌ ‌decides‌ ‌what‌ ‌it‌ ‌is.
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In this episode on 'Reinventing Money' Samantha Yap is joined by George Harrap, Co-Founder and Head of DeFi at YAP Global where they discuss what it means to reinvent money and how money could one day be replaced by digital currencies such as Bitcoin.
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In this episode on “What is Money?” Samantha Yap is joined by George Harrap, Co-Founder and Head of DeFi at YAP Global where they the touch on different forms of money, issues of trust and accountability with our money, differences in the perceived value of money, and the difficulties that can arise from trying to…
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